Tis the season for giving and MIllennium Global International School donated to two projects, this Christmas:
1. In collaboration with @globalpeacekenya and Nestle Kenya, we lent support to over 450 flood victims in Nyando Constituency- Kisumu County. The flood victims are currently being sheltered at Nyamasao Primary school in Ombaka Village , Ahero ward. These families have been significantly affected as their farmlands, schools , dispensaries, roads, businesses and daily lives have been disrupted. As such, the targeted families were supported with over 120kgs of maize flour and 480 pieces of 420g Nestle Cerevita cereal flakes. The donation courtesy of Nestle Kenya LTD, the Global Peace Foundation Kenya and Millennium International School summed to in kind support of KES. 500,000.
2. In addition, we donated play materials and learning resources (as well as other much needed toys and items) to the Daycare Centres of Thika Women Prison and Embu Women Prison. We were indeed touched by the joy and heartfelt gratitude expressed by Dr Salome Beacco, the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Correctional Services
We take this festive period to express our gratitude to God Almighty for His bounties and mercy, and in His good name offer prayers for peace and stability. Amen.
Wishing all a very merry Christmas