On the 25th of August, @theboldphaseinitiative hosted a Gala Dinner at Golden Tulip Hotel in Westlands, Nairobi, to celebrate its 3rd year annivesary, highlight and appreciate its journey so far, celebrate partnerships and attract new partners as well as fundraise for upcoming projects.
Our student, Maya Mwangi, gave a speech as the Student Brand Ambassador and shared her journey as a student volunteer with Bold Phase, highlighting specific experiences that have inspired her and fuelled her committment to contribute to the cause. For instance, the MHM training sessions inspired her to lead a bake sale in the school that raised over 60,000 ksh and the proceeds went towards supporting another girls' school with sanitary towels.
She also appreciated the collaborative effort of her fellow students, her school management and parents and emphasized on the sense of accomplishment that comes from working together towards a common goal.
We are proud of Maya and stand firmly in support of the Bold Phase Initiative 👏🏻