Pearson Edexcel - iPrimary and iLowerSecondary Implementation Training
Millennium Global International School faculty took part in a 3-day training that was facilitated by Iona Bradley, a UK lead educator, lecturer and trainer. The main aim was to equip teachers with modern pedagogies, deepen their knowledge and widen their expertise on British curriculum.
The areas covered included but were not limited to:
1. Introduction and engaging with iPLS:- Structured levels in terms of phases, stages and ages of the school set-up from the reception upto Key Stage 3 were discussed deeper. This will help teachers to set clear and precise learning objectives and hence, deliver the right curriculum to the right group of learners using the best approach which will lead to better grades in students assessments.
2. Active learning:- this involved indepth discussions on different fun techniques that teachers can use in classroom to arouse curiosity, enthusiasm and retention of content. They include Babble Gable, jig-sawing, mind-maps, walking bus etc.
3. Critical thinking:- understanding what it means and its benefits and applying different critical thinking strategies in classrooms.
4. Assessments:- both summative and formative assessments were discussed in detail, with relevant examples, its benefits, when and how to administer.
Pearson Edexcel - iPrimary and iSecondary Further Development
Teachers who had already undergone Implementation training in previous years attended the workshops on Classroom Management, Differentiation and Effective Feedback, with renowned expert from the UK, Ms Sarah White
Classroom Management - teachers looked at the strategies and techniques that can be used to enhance learners focus and participation. This involved preparation which is a key component in assessing formative learning. In preparation, teachers came up with engaging subject matter, researched on the tasks and activities then built up on the content by using relevant course materials, building a good relationship with learners as well as maintaining a functionable and organised environment.
Routines and daily procedures help manage classes as well as running things smoothly.
Teachers proceeded to investigate why lessons do not go well and discovered the following reasons:
• The content might be too difficult for learners.
• Poor or lack of resources.
• Lack of technological know-how.
• Distractions.
• Inflexibility.
Elements that ensure class management goes well include:
• Team work
• Social skills amongst learners.
• Critical thinking .
• Creativity.
Teachers then proceeded to understand what Differentiation, Effective Feedback and Collaboration entailed.
Pearson Edexcel - Understanding Assessment and Improving Delivery in IGCSE Biology and Chemistry
Focus was emphasized on the 3 assessment objectives
A01 - Easy to recall questions - mainly multiple choice; they test content understanding.
Students can be prepared on these questions by using speed tests, mind maps, repetition, and encouraging them to make flash cards
A02- Application of knowledge -
uses command words like evaluate, discuss, suggest etc Also involves graphs, calculations, and analysis of data tables
Students can be prepared in the following ways:
-give students regular analysis questions
-encourage them to think about contexts that are not on the specification
- develop graph, numerical and analytical skills early
-confidence is key to student performance so teachers are encouraged to take steps to build confidence
A03-Experimental skills - analysis, evaluation and methods of Science
To develop these skills, teachers can do the following:
-Â ensure students do a lot of practical work. For practicals that cannot be done, students should be encouraged to plan and analyse data about them
-Teach them mathematical skills and reinforce the development of these important skills
Teachers also looked at the different command words used in assessment and different ways in which they can help students with content
All in all, the various Professional Development workshops were greatly beneficial and we express our gratitude to Pearson Edexcel for facilitating the same.